

ensemble Intégrales
concert agenda


world premieres



Guy de Bièvre | Belgium
“Three Pack”* 2007
violin, violoncello, saxophone, electronics
25.1.08, Hamburg, The link to today's music

Wojtek Blecharcz | Poland
"Ivory Gate"* (2008)
tenorsax, Va, vcl, pno, perc
25.9.08, Hamburg, The link to today's music

Matthew Burtner | USA
(dis)sensus" * (2008)
violin, saxophone, piano, percussion, electronics
16.4.08, Hamburg, The link to today's music

Roberto Garreton | Chile/NL
"Chopped Dialogue 3"* (2008)
2 performer and computer
16.4.08, Hamburg, The link to today's music

Sir Alice |France
“Triptyque a_l'enfance désastreuse le Purgatoire”* 2008
violin, violoncello, saxophone, piano, percussion, CD and musicbox
25.1.08, Hamburg, The link to today's music

Christian Mevs | Germany
“Soft Machines”* 2008
violin, violoncello, piano, percussion, CD, electronics
25.1.08, Hamburg, The link to today's music

Marko Ciciliani | NL/Croatia
Rational Cantilenae in Nine Triads (2008)
piano, voice and light
Oktober 2008, Hannover

Sascha Demand | Germany
branches and twigs (2007)
violin, sax, e-guitar, percussion, CD
October 2008, Iran, Teheran

Martin von Frantzius (*1977) Germany
im Schatten geblendet *(2008)
sax, vn, vlc, perc and electr

WP: 25.9.08 Hamburg, The link to today's music

Stefan Günther (*1996) Germany
Höhen und Tiefen (2008)
Clarinet, violin and piano
WP : 25.9.08 Hamburg, The link to today's music

Leopold Hurt | Germany
Medea Music theatre
October 2008 Hamburg

Alireza Mashayeki | Iran
Sonate, die keine war (2006)
piano, violin
October 2008, Iran, Teheran

Simone Movio | Italy
...come spirali... (2008)
violin, saxophone, piano, percussion
Preisträgerkonzert der Oscar-und Vera Ritter Stiftung Hamburg, Kleine Musikhalle November 2008

Wolfram Schurig | Austria
Tintoretto Übung 1 (2008)
violin solo
Festival ALL FRONTIERS, Gradisca d'Isonzo, Italien

Ioannis Papadopoulos (*1978) Greece
Montage *(2008)
sax, vn, vcl, pno and perc

WP: 25.9.08 Hamburg, The link to today's music

Wouter Snoei (*1977) The Netherlands
Circular Motion *(2008)
Sax, vn, perc and electronics
WP: 25.9.08 Hamburg, The link to today's music


Sarah Bogner | Austria
Gehäusemusik (2007)
violin, ,double bass, piano, circuit bending
18.4.07 Hamburg, Hamburger Staatsoper

Marko Ciciliani | Croatia/The Netherlands
"Alias" (violin solo, electronics, light, laser) 2007*
6.11.07 Wien modern/Austria

Christoph Dienz | Austria
violin, double bass, saxophone, piano, percussion, guitar-amp
18.4.07 Hamburg, Hamburger Staatsoper

Boris Filanowski (*1968) | Russia
"Dramma vago" (2007)*
flute, viola, piano
25.11.07 St. Petersburg/Russia

Christopher Fox (*1955) England
"At the edge of time" (vn, bass drum, prepared piano, saxophone, all amplified) 2007*
4.8.2007 Bregenzer Festspiele

Burkhard Friedrich | Germany
"Songs of Love and Sorrow"
7.2.07, Hamburg, Hamburger Staatsoper
6.10.07 Graz "Steirischer Herbst", Austria
e-violin, synthesizer and electronics

Arturo Fuentes | Mexico
29.3.07, Malmö, Sweden, Ars Nova

Bernhard Gander | Austria
"The king's message"
tenor, violin, double bass, saxophone, pianoier
6.10.07 Graz "Steirischer Herbst" , Austria

Jürgen Hall | Germany
"Elitess" 2007
violin, saxophone, piano, percussion, Live-electronics
18.4.07 Hamburg, Hamburger Staatsoper

Leopold Hurt | Germany
"Erratischer Block"*
violin, saxophone, piano, percussion, zither, CD, Live-electronics 2007
18.1.07, Bremen, Neues Museum Weserburg

Felix Kubin | Germany
Gameboy Melodien
violin, saxophone, piano, double bass, percussion
18.4.07 Hamburg, Hamburger Staatsoper

Vladimir Rannev (*1970) | Russia
Impulsvariationen (2007)*
flute, violin, saxophone, piano, percussion
25.11.07 St. Petersburg/Russia

Wolfgang Suppan | Austria
"weiten und male"
6.10.07 Graz, Steirischer Herbst
tenor, violin and electronics

Alexander Strauch | Germany
26.9.07, Hamburg, Opera stabile
violin and zither
